the week end review:
new bridesmaid dress order
3 mothers of the groom/bride
71 cup dresses on order

first wholesale shipment out to del ray beach fl
helped prom goers with bow ties
3 prom dresses
fit a bride for her wedding gown
first skype consolation
new fabric
make new pillows for the shop added to the to do list
friends birthday dinner,
girlie movies rented but not watched
went to denver
traveled 12 hours by plane
late night pizza
spent the night in the loft of an old church converted to condos

vail for a day of skying
tai valentines day lunch with reece and friends
had an elk taco
new respect for professional skiers
jl mclaughlin truck show.. converting a tunic into a dress
meeting with the factory
went without internet for 38 hrs at work
thought of painting my kitchen
started new book
ordered fall fabric
went to bed at 10 on a friday night...
is this a sign im getting old?