this is what the office looked like at 830am on oct. 1 as i waited for Gary Clark from Southern Living. looks great. flowers on the table... new lamp, bags perfect, rug with not one thread from a garment in the works. you can actually see the top of my desk ... and take a look at window. no clutter. amazing.
the week prior i was a wreck....
to plan a party in a week can cause stress to anyone... to plan a party for southern living, that must look like spring is beyond emotional. we redid all the flower boxes one night... (yep, thats a lamp on a chair so we could see.)
being october an all new collection of seersucker and bright patterns had to be made to hang in the shop to carry out the "day before the carolina cup" theme. skirts in bright pink and white and bow ties in electric prints soon filled the shop and the winter collection took a rest in the back room while spring appeared in october.
the article will be in the the march 2010 issue and i am so excited. this will be the first national magazine to cover the shop. i could not have done everything to prepare for the party and shoot without the help of all my friends and family. i am so greatfull for their time and support. folding fabric ... polishing silver... are the clothes tagged? no back room in southern living had ever looked like mine does normally does. now the back room is perfect. buttons in jars color coded. all the bins labeled... floor swept and spotless. we all came together and pulled off a really great photo shoot and party.