next thursday, oct 1 southern living magazine will be here at the shop for a photo shoot to follow up from an interview done in june. its 1130pm on september 25. im here at the shop learning to blog and reflecting over the last three years. i made my first skirt after college while working in medical sales. only then for a creative outlet... having no idea what the future would hold. i knew i wanted the skirts to have a name, although didn't know how or where they would be sold. the first label was a monogrammed ribbon. i made 50 and i wondered how i would ever use them all..... and laroque is my maiden name. my father passed away when i was five from a heart attack. i didn't know him well but knew i wanted the name to be carried on. my happy, creative endeavor, escape from the corporate world seemed like for a good place for the laroque name.
i could start the story from the beginning but right now i sit in this beautiful studio and all i can think about is how incredibly blessed i am. God is good for sure. not just for the southern living interview, although i am so excited, and most likely wont sleep... and will be busy making the shop look like spring in october for the shoot. everyday i come to a place that i love. i love the fabric and the texture.. the vintage books on design... the classic patterns that stand the test of ages. even the buttons make me happy. most of all i love the people. i love their stories. the studio seems most like a living room and less like a retail space... even typing "retail space" seems inappropriate. i have had great times here. laughed, cried, been amazed, inspired, frustrated, nervous, scared... every emotion.
my job is to make people feel beautiful. beautiful so they can enjoy their lives to the fullest. just something about feeling pretty and special that every lady longs for. putting on something that you truly feel beautiful in is just what you need. the extra confidence to walk into a party or down an aisle. give a speech, teach a class, your first job or meeting the parents for the first time. telling someone you love them... or maybe that you're leaving them. seems laroque has dressed woman for all occasions.