how pretty are these laroque models? the fashion board of usc put on a very impressive fashion show at 701 whaley on nov. 3. over 100 members of the board from the school of retail come together and put on a modern mocktail fashion show. i was very honored that they asked me to help and take part in the show. the money raised will be donated to hep research breast caner.

before the show the fashion board helped organized the designers and local boutiques ...

hair and makeup artists from paul mitchel work on the models downstairs...

while upstairs models chat and get ready. below is mary ross walker. one of my favorite customers of all time... love her. she was sweet to step in at the last second to model for me.

marquis, president of the fashion board... adore his pink hankerchif.

students from usc djed the event... euro rock filled the air.

amy woodell played a huge part in the event as the vice president of the board.
small break before the show. discussing fashion and settling their nerves the students flip fashion books on travis's coffee table in his loft above the runway at 701. he loves having this space to work and create but this was extra rewarding to help shoot and be a part of the show.

a mix of local fashion lovers, students, professors and boutique owners wait for the show to begin...

brooke and madeline after the show in laroque headbands and frocks...

paige and indira and i after the show. could not have done the show without the two of them.

travis hands off the camera to a model to take our picture. he is to thank for all of these beautiful photo's along with others of the event. you can see more on the laroque facebook group or his travis teate photography.

oh, and did you see the daily gamecock the day after the show? the new halter style made the front page!
much thanks to the usc fashion board who put on a truly outstanding show to support a great cause. i look forward to the spring show and working with the overwhelmingly talented students.